Type: Individual project | Timeline: 2019-2021 | Role: Software engineer

Personal projects in software engineering.

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My goal is to supplement my business acumen with a multidisciplinary expertise in design and software engineering, to launch breakthrough products.



To develop a multidisciplinary skillset and further develop my product intuition, I spend some of my free time designing and developing various applications, games, and tools. Recently I have become particularly interested in exploring the use cases of extended reality and generative AI.

AI research tool

Early-stage research tool to better navigate unfamiliar and complex topics, powered by large language models.

Tools: OpenAI API, Serp API, ReactJS, Javascript, Framer Motion, HTML/CSS, Figma

View full video here

Streamlined task management app

Cutting the clutter of many productivity tools by introducing an application to efficiently sort tasks by importance/urgency, track if they’re scheduled, and resurface important tasks as the list grows overwhelming.

Tools: Javascript, ReactJS, HTML/CSS, Framer Motion

Try the live app here & View in Github here

XR Tool for Industrial Designers

Industrial design visualisations powered by AI-generated 3D environments and material textures. Posted a demo which went viral on Twitter.

Tools: OpenAI API, BlockadeLabs API, C#, Unity3D, Figma, Meta's VoiceSDK

View full video here

Instagram Clone (full-stack)

Developed a functional full-stack web application resembling Instagram, with features such as posting images/videos, comments, likes, following, infinite scroll, and searching for users.

Tools: Javascript, ReactJS, HTML/CSS, Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB, AWS, Cypress

View in Github here

Image Tracing with AI & AR

Built an application allowing users to use artificial intelligence to generate any image to trace/draw with the aid of augmented reality. Posted a demo which went viral on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Tools: OpenAI API, C#, Unity3D, Figma, Meta's VoiceSDK

View full video here


Object classifier app

Developed a functional machine learning classifier for iOS, enabling you to detect any given object based on user input. Built with Apple’s CoreML framework.

Tools: Swift, Xcode, CoreML

View in Github here


Flash Chat

Developed a functional messenger application for iOS.
The back-end is based on Cloud Firestore by Google.

Tools: Swift, XCode, Cloud Firestore.

View in Github here

Room Interactions in Virtual Reality

Developed an interactive virtual reality application for Oculus Quest 2, allowing you to interact with various objects in a room setting.

Tools: C# and Unity3D

View full video here

MC Escher in Virtual Reality

Developed my first interactive virtual reality application for Oculus Quest 2, allowing you to experience paintings and the imagined worlds of the famous artist MC Escher, in VR. All architectural objects were 3D-modelled in Rhino.

Tools: Unity3D, C#, Rhino3D

View full video here

Vehicle AR

Developed a functional augmented reality application for iOS, allowing you to drive a virtual vehicle in your physical environment, with touch and tilt gestures. Built with Apple’s ARKit.

Tools: Swift, Xcode, ARKit

View in Github here

Rocket Obstacle Microgame

Rocket-themed obstacle course microgame. Built with Unity3D.

Tools: C# and Unity3D.

Play the game live here

Furniture AR

Developed a functional augmented reality application for iOS, allowing you to place and resize furniture in your physical environment. Built with Apple’s ARKit.

Tools: Swift, Xcode, ARKit

View in Github here

SpaceMaze Microgame

Space-themed stealth microgame. Built with Unity3D.

Tools: C# and Unity3D.

Play the game live here

AR Drawings

Developed a functional augmented reality application for iOS, allowing you to draw 3D objects in your physical environment. Built with Apple’s ARKit.

Tools: Swift, Xcode, ARKit

View in Github here


Spotify (UX design)


Ruter (UX design)