Type: Individual project | Independent study | Timeline: 2023/2024 (10 months) | Role: UX designer & Software engineer

Augmenting early-stage research & problem-solving efforts for design researchers with large language models.

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How might early-stage research & problem-solving efforts by design researchers be augmented with large language models?


With the recent advancements in large language models, I wanted to explore how they could be used to significantly benefit the design research process by addressing key pain points most designers grapple with. I was inspired by the idea of combining the best of logic-driven problem-solving methodologies from management consulting with the holistic approach of the design process.

With this in mind, I set out to do an independent study, with support from two professors at UPenn, while reaching out to leading industry experts and researchers on artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, and design research. I hosted over 30+ user testing and expert interviews.


I designed and programmed two fully functioning software applications targeted towards design researchers to better navigate unfamiliar complex topics and build a stronger research foundation.

These software applications were derived as the minimum viable products from an extensive Figma prototype I developed. This sketched out the vision for a more comprehensive research and design tool, accompanied by a highly detailed design system.

Technology stack: ReactJS, NextJS, Javascript, Typescript, Framer Motion, HTML/CSS, OpenAI API, Serp API.

Demo #1

Demo #2 (in progress)

This case study is still in progress…


Syne (UX design & Software engineering)